Saturday, May 27, 2017

Amboy Training Time

5/27/17 - Today's ride was an incredibly peaceful, sunny, and warm event around the country side of Amboy.   Forty four miles of rolling hills, many cows, horses, dogs (one not so friendly one), one family of geese in which we had to stop and wait for them to waddle across the road, many farms, busy campers, lush green trees, mosquitos, one snake, many bugs (some we managed to eat) and lots of laughter filled our afternoon journey.  We managed to have conversations with a few friends along the route and took our photo on the doorstep of one friend who wasn't home, we even took advantage of their outside water sources.  Good thing they didn't have ADT security or we would have gotten busted by the police!   This journey involved our first encounter with a not so friendly dog, we made it past the farm without any bites and then got ourselves armed with pepper spray on the return route. We laughed hysterically and breathed a huge sigh of relief  when we witnessed the same dog riding happily in a car heading the opposite direction that we were going....... only to have that same car return to the farm minutes later before we could get past the place.   Needless to say we stopped and got the pepper spray ready only to be disappointed when there was no sign of the dog.  We finished our day with much laughter - I mean MUCH hysterical, slumber party exhaustion giggling, laughing so much we couldn't walk straight, laughing so much people were wondering if we were drunk (AND WE WEREN'T), yummy dinner at the Long Branch,  and  a few Smore's around a bonfire at my house to end the day.  

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